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What to Look for in a Water Filtration System

What to Look for in a Water Filtration System

We all need water, as I say, “Water is not just a beverage choice, it is our most essential nutrient”.  Replacing our daily water needs is paramount to being Healthy by Choice. If you are a fan of The Impetus you are already aware that bottled water is not the choice I recommend (see Is Bottled Water Healthier than Tap Water). Given that tap water is 2000 times less expensive than bottled water and that municipal tap water is monitored and regulated, the healthy choice is to filter your tap water.

There are many choices for home water filtration. Each person’s needs and expectations are different. The best water filter for you depends on what's in your water and what you want to remove. For many people, an aesthetic choice for improving taste and smell is all they are interested in, but for those wanting healthy water, removal of noxious contaminants and chemicals is imperative. Cost is a major concern and can range from inexpensive pitchers, faucet mount systems and refrigerator door filters, ($20 to $100) for aesthetic concerns to high priced under-counter or whole house systems ($1000 up) for improving taste and smell and removal of toxic substances. Each can have their merits and shortcomings.

The Most Important Aspect is Removal of Harmful Chemicals

I think the most important aspect when deciding on a system for healthy water is the removal of harmful chemicals and contaminants. Forty-four percent of the US population relies on groundwater for its drinking water supply, according to the National Ground Water Association, groundwater is at risk of pesticides, solvents, heavy metals, and volatile organic compounds that have seeped into the water table. Any company can say that its water filter removes contaminants, but the average person doesn’t have a lab or the means to confirm it’s factual. That’s why I strongly suggest getting a system that has third-party corroboration in the filters effectiveness in removing harmful substances. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) have set water treatment standards, and agencies like the NSF and the Water Quality Association (WQA) test against those standards. A filter certified for both NSF-42 and NSF-53 standards is recommended.

NSF-42 Filters that are certified to reduce aesthetic impurities such as chlorine and taste/odor. These can be point-of-use (under the sink, water pitcher, refrigerator, etc.) or point-of-entry (whole house) treatment systems. These filters improve taste and odor by reduction of chlorine and chloramine.

NSF-53 certifies the reduction of metals and chemicals that can affect your health. NSF-53 is a bit more complex as multiple compounds fall under this certification and they’re each certified separately. Reduction of mercury and volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

I also recommend a system that is certified NSF-372 to remove heavy metals such as lead from water. The main threats to human health from heavy metals are associated with exposure to lead, cadmium, mercury and arsenic.

 An effective way of providing yourself and your family with healthy water is filtration of tap water. There are many types of systems to accomplish this. Common methods of filtering can remove the chemicals but it also removes important minerals our bodies need. Guidelines I suggest looking for when comparing systems are advanced filtration that is corroborated and meet or exceed ANSI/NSF standards of 42 and 53.  Look for a system that adds minerals back to the water and creates a slightly alkaline water. I am also a proponent of micro-clustered water that helps with absorption and I suggest getting a system that is easy to use and maintain and cost effective.

We use a system in our home that sells for about $400 that meets all these guidelines. We use a sports bottle for healthy water on the go and filter our shower/bath water. Visit the H2O shop in the Emporium for product details. 

Not only do we want healthy choices for our bodies, but also for our planet. I advocate for systems such as these that are environmentally responsible and made with recyclable and biodegradable materials. 

What do you want in a home/on the go water filtration system? Enter a comment below. Let's chat. 

Be Healthy by Choice, not by Chance

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