Nurture Your Nature, Get Grounded

“RE-WILD your life.”

You’re Grounded

About nine years ago I was speaking at a health conference in San Diego. After my presentation, a gentleman approached me and said that he enjoyed the presentation. He said that he really respected the natural health approach of Self Care and how we can Nurture our Nature with the Nikken Wellness Home. We set up a time to meet the following day to reconnect.  We set our appointment for noon to 1 pm at a local restaurant. At about dinner time we were still talking. It turned out this individual had a doctorate degree in engineering physics, was a university professor and research scientist in fusion and plasma physics, biophotons, and biofield science. We spent much of our time talking about grounding, often called earthing. This was my first exposure to grounding. I found the subject fascinating, especially as it was an emerging science that touted simple, easy, and natural ways for better health. He made a statement that got me thinking, he said: “The worst invention ever created was rubber sole shoes”. Not only do we live in an electrical storm all around us, but we also insulate ourselves from the beneficial energies of the earth.

“The worst invention ever created was rubber sole shoes”.

In the Eye of The Storm

The electric energy on the surface of the earth takes the form of a limitless supply of negatively charged particles called electrons.  When you contact the earth, while barefooted or with a grounding device, the electrons are absorbed into the body where they attach to positively charged free radicals that cause chronic inflammation.  The key here is the effect of chronic inflammation.  When you experience an injury or illness there is a normal level of inflammation that is part of the healing process.  However, if you have chronic inflammation, tissue can be damaged leading to illness or disease.

Due to our technological world where cell phones, tablets, laptops, and wi-fi-connected devices surround us 24/7; we are constantly bombarded with EMF, electromagnetic frequencies.  This exposure has been linked to inflammatory reactions, cancer, sleep disruption, and immune system dysfunction. 

 If you regularly walk barefoot on grass, dirt, or on the beach you can ground yourself naturally. However, most of us live in urban settings that limit our access to direct contact with the earth. Grounding devices are the best alternative to neutralize the effect of electromagnetic fields and free radicals.

Nikken KenkoGround

Nikken KenkoGround

The solution is found in the Nikken Wellness Home, the KenkoGround®. The KenkoGround® serves as an indoor and portable way to reconnect with Mother Nature. Simply plug it into a grounded outlet and use it under your feet while working, on your mattress while sleeping, or even draped around your shoulders. Direct contact with the skin is recommended for the best results. Staying home does not mean sacrificing Self Care with the Nikken KenkoGround® and the Nikken Wellness Home.

For more information specifically on the KenkoGround®, I invite you to watch last Tuesday’s Healthy by Choice class, Grounding Matters.

Be Healthy by Choice and Nurture your Nature.