Earth Day 2020

Every day should be Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day. This is the 50th Earth Day and every year we are reminded to be stewards of our beautiful and amazing planet. One of the things that fill me with an appreciation for our Nikken Global Wellness Community is our contribution to our communities and planet earth every day.

To illustrate this point I posed this question to our Global Wellness Community via a What’s App group.

“Let’s list ten ways that Nikken is committed to sustaining planet earth on a daily basis”.                             

Here are the responses I received in less than an hour.

Ten Ways Nikken helps protect Planet Earth

1.     Nikken products are made from sustainable resources.                                                                         

  Gary Lindner, Lodi, CA

 2.     Nikken uses recyclable packaging.                                                                                                            

Maggie McKee, Vancouver, British Columbia

 3.     Nikken promotes a reduced carbon footprint.                                                                         

Sue Gruber, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio

 4.     Nikken sources and utilizes certified organic products whenever possible for our consumable product line. Reducing toxic chemical uses. True Elements, Nikken’s skincare line, is safe for the coral reefs. It is made from sustainable seaweed.                                    

                Heather Abbott, Lodi, CA

5.    Nikken products are made of biodegradable materials, whenever, possible.

Marianne Kelchner, Torrance, CA

6.     Nikken products reduce and eliminate single-use plastics.                                                         

 Michael DiMuccio, Toronto, Ontario

 7.     Nikken teaches/inspires a Global Community to teach others to reduce the use of plastics.           

 Sheri Danzig, Atlanta, Georgia

8.     Most of the Nikken products are durable and last a long time so we are not adding to throw-away consumerism.

Maggie McKee, Vancouver, British Columbia

9.     Less water waste with the Nikken Waterfall over reverse osmosis filtration. Increased consciousness, lifestyle practices, and sharing of the Nikken Purpose and Mission as a “movement” by Global Community members to create a “shift” in the positive direction of the trajectory of not only sustaining but improving Planet Earth.                                                      

Madeline Zaworski, Lorain. Ohio

 10.  Nikken sources and works with companies that use alternative sources of power. Green power like wind, water.

Heather Abbott, Lodi, CA

So there are ten ways that Nikken does its part for a healthier planet. I could have added many more. Let me give one good example for clarification. Our PiMag Waterfall and the PiMag Sports bottle are made from biodegradable materials. Nikken’s water filtration products provide healthy water at a one to one ratio, thus conserving water.

Drink Filtered Water to Reduce Bottled Water Use for Earth Wellness

How we recycle and reuse products directly impacts the environment. For example, about 1500 single-use plastic bottles end up in landfills or our ocean every second. Wow, there just went 1550 bottles. By using water filtration devices such as the PiMag Waterfall® and reusable drinking bottles such as the PiMag® Sport Bottle, this contemptible number can be reduced to help sustain our resources and the environment.

For more information on the Nikken Pimag water products please view two recent recordings of our Healthy by Choice Master Class.

Water Matters 2020

The Great Bottled Water Debate

These are a few ways that Nikken and our Global Wellness Community are committed to helping anyone and our planet Be Healthy by Choice.

Next week’s Healthy by Choice class will be discussing the science of grounding. Given social distancing and self-isolation currently, it is an opportune time to see how to MAKE EARTH DAY, EVERY DAY in your Nikken Wellness Home. Staying home does not mean sacrificing Self Care.

Please join us and invite guests for our next Master Class, Grounding Matters on Tuesday, April 28th at 9 pm Eastern, 6 pm Pacific. Together we can all help anyone Be Healthy by Choice. To Join the broadcast click this link and follow the prompts see you on Tuesday.

Healthy by Choice